Are You Building The Future You Want To Live In?

There are times when a song comes on the radio or a scene in a movie captures your thoughts and draws you in. Sometimes it’s the words on a page that cause you stop in your tracks. Those words compel you to contemplate and think; to think about the past, present, and future. When I read this quote, “We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims” it did all of those things.

To architect a future where you are the victor and not the victim takes work and specific actions.

The Battle in Your Head

The first step to architecting a better future starts with your mindset. The biggest challenge and battle you will always face sits squarely between your ears. It’s been said where the mind goes the body follows. What you believe and focus on is usually what you get.

Your number one priority now and forever must be putting things into your mind that cause you to believe for a better future, whatever that looks like for you. Listening to podcasts, reading books and surrounding yourself with people that fill your mind with belief that you will succeed is critical


Once you have the right mindset you still have choices. You still must make the right decisions and act in a way that is line with your mindset.

Grit, Determination, Perseverance

At the end of the day architecting your future takes hard work. It’s a daily fight and struggle, granted, some days the fight and struggle is easier but rest assured it’s always there. There are no shortcuts or silver bullets.

Taking responsibility for your past, present and future is the only way to overcome and not become a victim. Develop grit, stay determined and persevere – fight for your future!

Three Words for 2017

3 Words 2017

Happy New Year – 2017.

Over the past few years (here’s a link to 2016) instead of choosing to create a list of resolutions I’ve picked three words that create a theme or an outline for the upcoming year. As always, big thanks to Chris Brogan for turning me onto this idea!

Why Three Words?

Let me say this first, I like lists. Like most “list people” I love the feeling of accomplishment and checking off the items on my list. When I think of a list I automatically think of getting a task done and then moving on. So, when I think of resolutions they aren’t something I just want to “get done”. I want to create more than a resolution and a checklist, I want to do things that lead to a long-term lifestyle change.

As I look ahead a year from now what do I want my life to look like? What story do I want to tell and create?  To create that life story it takes more than a checklist, it takes a blueprint of sorts. By choosing three words I have a guide that I can apply to different areas of my life throughout the year.

For example, when I set a health goal for myself I will use my three words to guide me in my approach. I’ll use those three words in relation to the food I eat. Those three words will provide motivation in regards to my exercise. Hopefully, you get the idea.

My Three Words For 2017


According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, grit is defined as “firmness of character; indomitable spirit.” Angela Duckworth (author of the book Grit), edited this definition to be “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.”

I’m wanting to develop a tenacity and a grit in my approach to the physical, mental and spiritual areas of my life.


Moving beyond planning and “dreaming” to executing on my ideas and plans.


Intentionally doing things that disrupt my life and my routines that lead to new experiences and lifestyle changes.

That’s it – those are my three words. Those are the three words that I’ll be thinking about and letting guide me over the next 365 days.

Let’s roll!