Using Social Networking to Build Professional Relationships – part 3

Here's part three of the article that I wrote and was published in the January issue of CBA Retailers & Resources

Here are
some quick and easy ways to begin leveraging the power of LinkedIn.

Your profile – Fill it out and give people good
reason to connect with you.

  • Make sure your profile highlights your areas of
    expertise, services offered and who and why you are looking to connect.
  • Please, upload a profile picture – it says you’re
    engaged and participating.
  • Get the branded URL – something like, as
    close to your name as you can get.
  • Look alive! Share your
    business news, store events, promotions and general information on a daily
  • Updating your status
    appears across your network of connections keeping you top of mind with
    others.  I’ve attracted supplier and prospect inquiries
    when I’ve updated my status regarding certain projects. For example, a few
    months ago I updated my status letting others know that I was working on a
    postcard. Someone that I had recently connected with worked for a printer.
    He saw my update and reached out to me to ask if he could give me a quote
    on the project.