Image Credit: http://bottomlineideas.wordpress.com/2012/01/25/make-sure-the-left-hand-knows-what-the-right-hand-is-doing/
- Our desk may not be located in the lobby but its our job to make sure the first impression is amazing.
- Our desk may not reside in the finance department but its our job to be good stewards of our organizations resources.
- Our desk may not sit in the HR department but its our job to build teams through strong relationships.
- Our desk may not be located in the customer service department but every customer or potential customer is our responsibility.
- Our desk may not be located in the bathroom or the break room but its our job to pick up the paper towel off of the floor and empty our lunch container, aka science experiment gone bad, out of the refrigerator.
Our department and our responsibility is wherever and whenever we find ourselves.