Get Serious About Being Curious

The old saying goes ‘curiosity killed the cat’.

It seems the older we get the less curious we become. Maybe it’s because the very nature of being curious means there is risk involved. And as we get older and take on more responsibilities the less we risk.

As much as I would love to hop on a BMX bike or grab a skateboard and join my boys at the skate park this Saturday, for me, the risk outweighs the reward. Why? Because I need to show up Monday morning with my body fully intact 🙂

You don’t need to be a Red-Bull-drinking-extreme-sports-athlete to live life to its fullest. But, if you are going to truly experience life — you need to be CURIOUS!

7 ways to become more curious today

  1. Try something new. It sounds obvious but try something new and it doesn’t need to be anything huge. Listen to a style of music you wouldn’t necessarily listen too, Spotify has plenty to choose from. Try a new toothpaste flavor. Do jumping jacks in the middle of the afternoon. Eat some bugs instead of chips. Take a different route to work — the road less traveled is sometimes the best road.
  2. Embrace change. I’m sure you’ve heard the statement, ‘the only thing that is constant is CHANGE’. As a curious person you can’t fear change.
  3. Challenge yourself and step totally out of your comfort zone. As a curious person you have to get comfortable with doing things afraid. Don’t let the fear of failure hold you back. As the famous Thomas Edison quote puts it, “I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Or, as Mr. Edison also said, “I failed my way to success.”
  4. Vanilla and chocolate aren’t the only flavors — open the door wide and welcome variety into your life.
  5. Become a lifelong learner, develop new skills, read and explore more.
  6. Ask questions like who, what, when, where, why and how.
  7. Write ideas. Take James Altucher’s advice and write 10 ideas every day.

Curious people solve problems.

Curious people are interesting.

Curious people are introverts and extroverts.

Curious people discover and invent things.

Curious people come in all shapes, sizes and ages.

Cultivate curiosity and become a better spouse, parent, employee and person.

STAY CURIOUS my friend!